Roots Rock Notes: Jethro Easyfields talk guitar rock, Tim Grimm and Foster & Lloyd release new albums

Jethro Easyfields

Jethro Easyfields reports he is “in planning stages and gatherin’ ideas” for his next album. Easyfields says the sound may be an “album full of fleshy guitars” and “is gonna be a doozie.” He’s shopping around for a drummer/bass player combination for the project. He’s prevous outing, 2010’s Bloodletting veered into an interesting wierder-than-Tom Petty territory, and a number of cuts on the album echoed REM sounds, circa Fables of Reconstruction and Life’s Rich Pageant. (read full NUVO review here)
One of Indiana’s most refined and intelligent folk artists,Tim Grimm, has a new album out, called Thank You Tom Paxton, co-produced by his friend and Prine guitarist Jason Wilber. In addition to helping produce, Wilber played guitar on most of the songs.
Tim Grimm

For the album, Tim recorded 12 of his favorite Tom Paxton songs. In addition to staying true to many of the originals, Wilber and Grimm also created some new arrangements for some of the tunes. The UK based music magazine Maverick gave the CD 4 stars.
Grimm, joined at some by Wilber, will be playing CD release shows, mostly in the Midwest this summer, but  to the east coast at the end of July– with a small ensemble. He’ll be playing a couple of John Prine: A Tribute Concert shows, and a Festival at pal Joe Crookston’s place in Ithaca, NY. He’s heading to Texas in the Fall, then up the West coast, with dates in Washington state and Colorado.
For fans of the 1980’s country/rock/pop duo Foster and Lloyd, a new album called It’s Already Tomorrow, was released May 17, reuniting the Radney Foster and Bill Lloyd after 20 years. For their fourth album together they had an assist from Bruce Springsteen’s E. St. Band bassist, Garry Tallent on the the acoustic-based “When I Finally Let You Go”.

Indiana Music: Bobbie Lancaster readies new album, more shows

While Bobbie Lancaster may not tell you herself, her self-titled, debut album from last year contained some of the prettiest, gospel-tinged and heartfelt pieces of Americana music released in 2010. Instead, she’s more likely to look forward than back. Though you might catch her pride of performance on that first album when it whispers into her conversation, she’s a woman who lives in the moment as best any of us can, and takes the now and applies it, with a spiritual flair, to her future.

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Blasters headed to Lafayette; Tim Grimm album release shows planned

The Blasters at Lafayette Brewing Co. on Sunday, March 27

Indiana folk artist Tim Grimm will play two CD release concerts, slated for Friday, April 8 and Sunday, April 10, both in Columbus, IN as part of the Americana Music Series. The Friday show is at 7:30pm and Sunday at 5pm. He’ll be joined by Jason Wilber, Bobbie Lancaster, The White Lightning Boys and others. (shows at Unitarian-Universalist Building – 7850 Goeller Rd).

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Folk singer Lucas-Grimm releases new book "My Beautiful Leukemia"; Americana Festival hits Brown County July 4

Jan Lucas-Grimm, the wife of Indiana folk singer and actor Tim Grimm, is releasing her book “My Beautiful Leukemia” at Viewpoint Books in Columbus, Indiana on Thursday (July 1st) at 6:30pm. Lucas-Grimm, who possesses one of the sweetest singing voices this side of Emmylou Harris, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2005, underwent chemotherapy for a year, then had a bone marrow transplant in 2006.
Jan’s battle with this disease is chronicled along with some of the artwork she created during her recovery. About the inspirational book, she wrote “… it’s a book I wish I had found when I was diagnosed and going through treatment.”
(Viewpoint Books, 548 Washington Street, Columbus, Indiana 47201 / 812-376-0778 /
On Sunday, Jan and husband Tim play as part of a terrific lineup during the WFHB Acoustic Roots Festival, at the Story Inn. The venue is located deep in the belly of Brown County, on Rt 135 (12 miles South of Nashville) in Story, IN. It’s $10 to get in (tickets available on day of show) and gates open at noon.

Roots Twang News: Jethro Easyfields, Henry French, John Prine Opera

Americana (and other) artists Bobbie Lancaster, Tim Grimm, Jan Lucas, Tim Brickley, Michael Shelton, and Jenni Gregory will perform in the show Positively Prine at the Phoenix Theater May 7-9 and 13-16. It’s the stories of six characters told through the music of John Prine. Worth a look for fans Prine fans I’m certainly one. His debut is one of the best in rock and folk history. Bryan Fonseca directs this production, which they are calling an “operetta”. And anything Tim Grimm touches is usually really good, just so you know…


Roots rocker Jethro Easyfields is taking a break from recording his new album “Bloodletting” to play Spencers Stadium Tavern on April 24th with “some very special guests”.
Finally, Henry French is set to rock Friday, May 21 at Radio Radio.

Concert Review – Hoosier Springsteen Show featuring Tim Grimm, Jason Wilber, Bobbie Lancaster, Gordon Bonham and White Lightning Boys

Saturday night’s Hoosier Springsteen — a tribute to Springsteen’s music paid by Indiana artists — proved to be an inspired effort not only by the musicians, but also by the crowd, who hung in and responded throughout the three-plus hour show. It was the first edition of the event, put together by Indiana songwriter Tim Grimm, following on the Grimm-organized Hoosier Dylan tribute show.
Unlike doing a similar show for nearly any other artist, those on stage had to meet the challenge of doing more than simply singing Bruce’s songs. To be truly effective in capturing the essence of Springsteen, they had to hit on at least two of the three skills that make Springsteen legendary. They did.
It’s hard to miss on the songs. With few exceptions, Springsteen’s catalogue of songs is exquisite, with more tunes to choose from than could be played in one night.
Secondly, there’s the performance. While albums like “Nebraska” or “The Ghost of Tom Joad” are unarguably lo-fi affairs, picking a song from a record like “Born to Run”, “Darkness on the Edge of Town” or even “Born in the USA” means taking on the iconic music too. It’s either replicate or reinvent if you take a shot at those records.
And the third challenge is finding a way to add a little homage to Springsteen’s live show. The best live performer of his generation, the Hoosier Springsteen gang needed to bring the power, the touches of gospel and the push that comes with his live performance for the night to be a complete success.
Turning a rundown Crump Theatre in Columbus, Indiana into the perfect venue for a debut of a the Grimm-led series, the singer and actor took a break from performing in a stage play in Chicago to trek back to Southern Indiana and treat the 150 or so in attendance to a night that made us glad we were there.
Among the performers included Grimm, John Prine guitarist Jason Wilber, guitarist and songwriter Gordon Bonham, Bloomington-based singer and songwriter Bobbie Lancaster and hillbilly bluegrass band White Lightning Boys, plus a terrific backing band, highlighted by the spectacularly tasteful Troye Kinnett, from John Mellencamp’s band, on keys.
Leaning heavily on “Nebraska” and “Born In the USA” material – 14 of the night’s 31 (!) songs were from those two early and mid 80’s records – the musicians found “Nebraska” perfect for a night of Americana songwriters playing Bruce music. Yet it was individual performances that elevated the evening’s best moments, when performers strayed slightly from the records.
Columbus singer Dale Sechrest opened each of the two sets solo, “Cover Me” appropriately starting the show, followed by the obscure “Jesus Was an Only Son” to a hushed crowd. Wilber, a hell of a guitar player, introduced the band with a rollicking “Hungry Heart” and the first magical moment of the night, teaming with Bonham and Kinnett for an angry “State Trooper”. Lancaster provided the first glimpse at her engaging stage persona and “aw shucks, ain’t I a killer singer?” voice with a bluegrass-inflected “All I’m Thinking About is You” from the “Devils and Dust” album.
Grimm joined for Lancaster for a smoldering duet of “I’m on Fire,” the band’s restrained playing and Kinnett’s mid-80’s keyboard touch gluing the song together, making it new and classic at once. Perfect.
Bonham’s first turn at vocals came with Nebraska’s” “Reason to Believe”, morphed into a country shuffle, complete with Lancaster and two friends dancing behind the band. The band stayed with the 1982 album for “Open All Night”, creating a jubilant rock song that had the audience moving up front to dance and Jason and Gordon trading searing leads. Another keeper.
Poet Matthew Jackson provided a breather with his first of three appearances, reading original poetry, before the White Lightning Boys turned in an Avett Brothers-like performance of “I’m Goin’ Down”, followed by the economic hardship song “Youngstown” from The Ghost of Tom Joad.
Grimm and his wife Jan dueted beautifully on the sad story song “Highway Patrolman”, before the group hit on a set of tunes that became the best segment of the night. “Devils and Dust” started the momentum with a great vocal from Tim, and a more uptempo performance than on the record, followed by “Johnny 99,” featuring stinging leads from Bonham’s Fender Telecaster.
But it was the Wilber/Bonham duet on “Born in the USA” – just two guys, two Telecasters and a bit of a crowd singalong too – that told the crowd why they came. Wicked guitar playing and Wilber emanating a comfortable yet forceful energy on stage perfect for the song and the night. That song led into the full band’s rousing and fun “Glory Days.”
Lancaster grabbed “Oh Mary Don’t You Weep” off the Seeger Sessions” record, released in 2006, with Kinnett’s accordian playing and Lancaster’s southern lilt working together. “My Hometown” wrapped the first set up, and it clicked along nicely, in part because she changed the lyrics to reflect a daughter instead of a son in the song.
A more ragged second set began with a trio of songs from the bluegrass White Lightning Boys, on stage for “Old Dan Tucker”, “Nebraska” and “Mrs. McGrath”, followed by Grimm and Wilber for the title cut from “The Ghost of Tom Joad”. Sechrest came back for Seeger Session’s obscure “Eye on the Prize”.
Give the band extra kudos for next tackling one of the legendary anthems of Springsteen canon. “Racing in the Street” is long, beautiful, and iconic. Not the easist to pull off, but they did. “Used Cars”, and a pair from the 1995 “Greatest Hits” album followed, with Tom Clark contributing a lovely sax solo during “Secret Garden,” replete with Wilber playing along, eyes closed, fully in the moment.
Grimm led “Blood Brothers” with son Conner onstage playing bass, and they stayed for a joyous “Thunder Road”. Bonham burned in a rendition of “Atlantic City”, using a fiery Bruce concert arrangement.
An unexpected “Meeting Across the River” off “Born to Run” from Jason led to a finale of the title cut from that 1975 record, putting a fitting cap on a Springteen length live show.
For a Bruce fan, it was special to watch some of the best from our little state tackle Jersey’s chosen son. And give the crowd credit for making the night fun and helping make the first shot at performing this show a winner. Worth a trip to Danville to see the next outing on June 20.