Indiana Music: Chase Coy -"Picturesque"

Chase Coy , a smart 19-year-old singer-songwriter from Greenwood, Indiana, will release his major label debut Picturesque on June 1st. Written and produced by Coy, it’s a quiet, poetic piece of acoustic-and-string sprinkled music. It’s best moments ring of a McCartney sensibility. Not comparing the two artists’ careers; simply noting that the template for mature-beyond-your-years songs was created by the Beatle, and there is a thinking, searching pop quality to the upcoming album.
Coy is a busy boy. He’s already released a pair of albums, Dear Juliet and Look How Far We’ve Come, and some iTunes songs. This year, Coy’s catalog tracks were compiled into a single digital album available at iTunes, entitled Where the Road Parts.
As Taylor Swift has built her career of singing to 15-25 year-old girls, the Picturesque album would seem to aim for a similar demo, but to guys – though the girls will find reasons to listen to the words, since the muse of Coy is his girlfriend Mallory Koons. The subject matter gives a soft, introspective side to most of the songs. Nothing rocks. The drums are a surprise when they show up. It’s not a party album; the songs are produced to highlight lyrics. The album is unlike anything I have heard in a long time. It’s poetry, set to muted music.

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