Backstage at Letterman: Indiana guitarist Jason Wilber’s night in NYC with Dave, Don Rickles and Paul Shafer

Wanted to follow up on our post earlier this week about Hoosier guitarist and singer/songwriter Jason Wilber playing on Late Night with David Letterman. Wilber, fresh from the performance backing John Prine on Letterman Wednesday night, posted to his blog/website a number of behind-the-scenes moments he experienced as the guitar player, both on stage and off.
“A few minutes before we were on, we took the elevator down to the stage level and waited at the side of the stage. Don Rickles was the guest on right before us and I shook hands with him as he was coming off stage. He was very nice and said “Good luck Kid, see ya on TV”.
“So picture this: Suddenly, instead of looking into a TV and watching the Late Show with David Letterman at his desk and Paul Schaffer and the band over across the stage, you’re standing there IN the show looking out at the audience from the stage with Dave and Paul on either side of you and that classic skyline backdrop just behind you. Instead of hearing Dave’s voice through a TV speaker, it’s coming from just a few feet away, unamplified.”
That’s good stuff, isnt it? Read more about the whole night at Performing with Prine and Wilber was Yim Yames from Louisville’s My Morning Jacket, supplying keening, Neil Young-inspired vocals to a couple verses and a chorus of “All the Best”.

