Indianapolis Music Blog Going Not-For-Profit?

One of the gems of the Indianapolis (and all of Indiana) music scene,, has an interesting post on their blog this week about potentially becoming a not-for-profit and what that might mean. Worth reading. And I want to remind you how this site is important. It excels as a clearinghouse for lots of smaller-but-talented Indiana bands and their music. Lots of non-released (on CD) music. There is hard-to-find Elms music (plus the acoustic version companion album they released with their new “The Great Midwest Range” album.) and dozens of tracks from prolific artists like Jethro Easyfields, who records albums sporadically but has lots of music at the site for comsumption. Plus, the similar artists feature engine they are using is right on. I looked up Indiana roots rock singer/songwriter Rusty Bladen, a Tom Petty kind of artist from Madison. While I could listen to a number of his songs, there was also a list of similar artists on the right side of the page, and checked out some Chevy Downs tracks because they were there. And it’s free for everyone, both artists and users. Find it…
Roots-Rock Video: Joe Pug is known in music circles as the guy who sent existing fans copies of a free 2-song sampler CD (more than 15,000, according to his website) to pass along to their friends, with a personal note inside each. He’s been on the road for more than two years, and has created a buzz.
Click here for video from a recent SXSW appearance on a”The Guest Apartment online segment. He has some Midwest dates scheduled after he gets back from the six shows in Ireland, but not Indy yet – only as close as Chicago (May 15 at The Vic w/ Josh Ritter)

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